The best place to discover eCommerce apps on the Internet
In eCommerce there are 1,000s of things you COULD be doing on any given day to grow your store.
The most successful stores identify the handful of things they SHOULD be doing, and we're here to help you do that.
To help you find the eCommerce Tech that will help you save time, and make your business more successful.
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Our Values
Remaining Unbiased. We must remain unbiased in our analysis and advice of each tech product. This is a challenge because certain tools might give higher commissions, or be better at closing sales. But our goal is to help you find the right solution for your eCommerce store at the right time. That means we all win. While there are clear favourites for many categories, any tool can be a valid option when you're presented with specific needs. For that reason we have:
- No star review system.
- No ranking system.
- No categorical “winners.”
Being Transparent. We want you to understand our business model. Understand that we use partner links when sending you to partner sites. And understand that we may make a small commission off your decision. We also want you to have transparency into when and how partners might pay us for additional promotion, such as bringing them to the top of a category, writing a sponsored blog post, or having them sponsor an event we put on. And most importantly, we want to present every tech or agency partner transparently, to reveal their strengths and weaknesses, when you should use them, when you shouldn't, and how they will, or won't, benefit your store.
Trust. We seek to create lasting relationships with eCommerce store owners and teams, and with eCommerce tech partners. We want you to be able to trust us with providing great advice. We value the privacy of all users and partners and we will protect your data.
A Clear Challenge Emerges. We must remain unbiased in our advice while being able to generate revenue. So we charge for visibility not for a better review. Can a company move a sponsor to the top of a category page and still remain unbiased in their review of that technology? We believe: yes. Following Google’s paid and organic model, we believe that we can provide truthful information while being able to promote ads and have featured partners.
Show, not tell
Complete Thoughts. Ever have someone reference an old email, without quoting or linking it? They just assigned you the work of searching your inbox. How rude! We value presenting complete information, both in our internal communications, and especially when showcasing products and content on our site. You should never leave a page with more questions than you started with and you should see the data presented within an article.
No Acronyms. With minor exceptions for the most universal acronyms, we don't assume you know what LTV, SEO, or CRO means. And in some cases, terms like SQL may mean multiple different things - Sales Qualified Lead, Structured Query Language. How confusing! We spell it out for you, literally.
Showing You "The Door." (Matrix reference) We can't tell you what product is right for your business. Oftentimes, we have a good idea, but we can't know your business like you. For that reason, we may recommend a product, but we're only showing you the door - we're only giving you the information - you're the one that has to make the final determination.
"Cutting to the Chase." We know you don't have time to read a 5,000 word article or watch four 30 minute demos. We want to give you the maximum amount of information in the shortest amount of time.
No Fluff. We don't oversell a solution, promise the world, or pretend like we know everything. We tell it how we see it.
Everyone is a Leader. We don't hire people to follow orders... We tried that, it's exhausting. Instead we hire people to own a specific component to the business. They lead that initiative, and we all report to each other in weekly scrum meetings. We believe this improves productivity and limits systemic failures.
Optimize for Happiness. With all business, comes stress. We've openly decided that we will actively remove stress from our work environment. Whether that is a partner, a marketing channel that seems to be causing problems, or a demanding store owner. We don't want our heart to jump when the phone rings.
Respectfully Playful. We take our work seriously, but not ourselves. Demos are boring... So boring. We aim to change that by adding some creativity, some entertainment value, and some playfulness to our work. In order to execute on that well, we need playfulness to be built into our daily work and lives.
Respecting Others. More than "Karma," we believe that our success is a direct derivative of how much value we provide to the world. Everyone deserves attention, respect, and guidance. We strive to provide as much value as possible to eCommerce store owners and teams of any size, without any need for a guarantee that the value will be reciprocated. We want to give happiness...