
April 25, 2024

Return management platform that makes the return/exchange process incredibly simple for eCommerce stores.

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Shopify Plus


Branded Self Service Returns Center
Automated Returns & Exchanges
One-Click Returns-Processing
Fully Customizable Rules & Policies
Refunds, Exchanges, and Credit
Hassle-Free Label Generator
Exchanges for Product Variants
Exchanges for Different Products

Volume Based

Starting at $300/month
This is some text inside of a div block.
Branded Self Service Returns Center
Automated Returns & Exchanges
Fully Customizable Rules & Policies

This is some text inside of a div block.

This is some text inside of a div block.

All about

What is ReturnLogic?

ReturnLogic is a return management platform that makes the return/exchange process incredibly simple for Shopify stores. 

Customers are able to simply enter their email address and order number and can update their address information, review the items they’ve purchased, or process a return or exchange.

During the exchange process, the customer can make selections from whichever portion of the catalog that you’d like them to be eligible for, and select their replacement product, whether it's just a different size, color, or a different product completely.

As the merchant, you have a customizable return or exchange flow that can get additional information from the customer that you can use to understand why they are returning. For example, if the product keeps coming back as too small, you may need to adjust your sizing guide. You can even use tags in Shopify to exclude items entirely from your return policy.

In the backend, your team will manage returns through their platform.

ReturnLogic can work for merchants still shipping from their own warehouse or home, but typically when you hit this point of scale, you’ve got a 3rd party logistics provider. They work with most warehouses to set up the process for returns to make sure it will work with their existing systems. If they don’t have an existing API with that warehouse, there is a way to get an API created with their trusted agency partners (or if you’re an API guru).

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes ReturnLogic different than competitors?

Return management platforms have a lot of feature overlap. They all have a customer portal, a warehouse return slip component, and they all will integrate with your major eCommerce platforms. 

ReturnLogic separates itself with some customization components you find in their backend. Things that can switch the process from automated to manual depending on certain conditions.

What metrics is ReturnLogic going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

You can see and analyze breakdowns of returns by product and category to understand problems that you may have in manufacturing / batching or in sizing, or perhaps even in the color of the product shown in the product detail image.

This is actionable data that can lead to an increase in conversions and a decrease in returns/exchanges (which also reduces shipping costs). 

Who has to manage ReturnLogic and how long does it take to setup?

ReturnLogic is typically purchased by the CEO, but sometimes by the COO, Director of Operations, Director of Customer Success, or Director of eCommerce.

It’s important that you get buy-in on a company wide level because this tool affects so many departments.

From your initial discovery call and demo, you’ll be working to secure any key integrations and start changing your internal process, as you train to use ReturnLogic.

Setup can take as little as 3 days, or as long as a month depending on how much customization you need. You’ll adjust your returns policy page to link to the customer portal. You’ll create your custom return page. You’ll adjust some of your order emails and customer service response macros to point customers to the return page.

Your customer success team may invest a small amount of time in understanding the analytics, or the ReturnLogic team can set up a Quarterly Business Review email/report to help the upper management understand the success of the tool.

ReturnLogic is managed by a couple of departments. First you have your customer service team, they can approve or reject returns. Upon approval, the customer is sent the shipping label.

Then you have your warehouse team, which receives a return authorization slip and scans a barcode to take in the returned item. If it is damaged, they check for the damage and mark it as sellable or not sellable, and once the item is in, they do with it whatever it is marked for (relabel for sale, destroy, repair, etc.) 

Is ReturnLogic right for my store?

Typically you’d start using a return management software once you hit about 100 returns a month, and if you’re over 250 returns a month, return management software starts to become a mandatory, money saving, value creating opportunity which will free up your customer service teams time and the customers you save by making them happy with a streamlined return process, plus the revenue you save from returns.

The pricing for ReturnLogic is volume based and starts at around $300/month for 150 RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization), so you'll want to factor that into where you are as well.

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