
September 28, 2024

A visual search, discovery and personalization platform that can increase conversion rates by an average of 177%

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Shopify Plus
Movable Ink


Camera Search
Discovery Button
Recommendation Carousels
Deep Tagging
Dedicated CSM
Automated Product Descriptions

Visual Discovery

Contact Us
This is some text inside of a div block.
Camera Search
Discovery Button
Recommendation Carousels
A/B Testing
Analytics Dashboard
Default Merchandising Rules
Program customization
Dedicated CSM


Contact Us
This is some text inside of a div block.
Everything in Previous Plan


Contact Us
This is some text inside of a div block.
Deep Tagging
Automated Product Descriptions
Everything in Previous Plan

All about

What is Syte?

Syte is a venture-backed, patented, visual search, discovery, and personalization platform that works with high-volume, high-SKU merchants to increase Conversion Rate by an average of 177%, bringing an overall better user experience to your store.

Their visual AI creates deep tagging from over 6,000 different attributes to understand the makeup of each product, which then, combined with consumer behavior and their AI algorithm, helps determine which products should be shown to which customers, leading to higher conversion rates and average order value.

Combine their visual AI with their advanced on-site search, and browsers are now finding more products they like, leading to an average increase of 211% in textual search revenue.

Syte breaks down into three solutions: Visual Discovery, Searchandising and Hyper-Personalization.

  • Visual Discovery helps shoppers find items they love through camera search, “shop similar” and “shop the look” product recommendation carousels. This uses visual AI to suggest similar and complementary items to something they’ve found and like.
  • Searchandising uses Deep Tagging, which automates product tagging and adds new, detailed attributes to each item, creating a richer database for search and analysis. Basically, it leverages search results to update the product descriptions, making it easier for the AI to find the most relevant and high converting search results for shoppers.
  • Hyper-Personalization is personalized product recommendations that can be used to create personalized emails and more. This is done by linking real-time behavioral data and visual AI to predict the products customers want the most in real time.

This is truly the top-of-market, all-in-one personalization solution.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • List

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes Syte different than competitors?

You know how sometimes you’re working with a tool and you can tell that they still have some more features to develop… Syte is not like that! They have a very well established tool suite across all of the core functionalities you need for doing deep personalization and increasing store revenue and the user experience.

Syte offers visual and text search, automated product tagging, personalized recommendation carousels and more. Through the unique data generated by the visual AI, this tool helps shoppers find the most relevant products. For example, you can use their tool in your email marketing for personalizing product recommendations, and the personalizations inside that email will not materialize until the user opens it. Meaning that if an item goes out of stock between the time you send the email and the time the customer opens it, no problem, it gets removed from the recommendation and the next best fit product is added.

Syte’s biggest differentiation is in their visual search and discovery platform, which is really a unique way of helping users find products based on some images they might have on hand, or have found on Instagram. It’s intuitive, engaging, and helps in product categories like fashion, where the term “red dress” can have so many different meanings/products associated with it.

What metrics is Syte going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

All great personalization tools will start by increasing your conversion rate. Because your conversion rate is going up, your return on ad spend (ROAS) and ROI will also go up.

Because personalization tools are great at predicting which products a consumer is likely to buy together, it also impacts average order value (AOV).

And because the user had a better on-site experience, you’re likely to see marginal impacts to retention and repeat purchase, depending on industry.

On average, Syte customers using the full product discovery platform see on average:

  • 5X higher conversion rate
  • 16% higher average order value
  • 480% higher average revenue per session.

Syte claims that shoppers who interact with solutions from the Visual Discovery Suite also have a 12% uplift in retention rate at the end of a 30-day period as compared to high-intent “add to cart” shoppers, as well as a 19% uplift in customer lifetime value compared to all customers.

Who has to manage Syte and how long does it take to setup?

Most of the time you’re going to have someone in marketing or merchandising running the tool, and they will be working hand in hand with Syte’s dedicated customer success manager to ensure you have the right merchandising rules in place, and that the functionality is everywhere that it can be and working as best as it can.

It can take a month to 40 days to get the tool live on site. In some cases, they will actually do custom machine learning to ensure they understand your products appropriately from a visual AI standpoint.

Is Syte right for my store?

This is an enterprise-grade tool for high-volume, high-SKU merchants looking for the most advanced visual discovery and personalization platform they can find. You should have at least $3mm in annual revenue and at least 500 SKUs before considering Syte. Typically you’d also have at least 100k website visitors a month.

They can be good for any industry, but tend to really excel with fashion, apparel, beauty, home decor, DIY and especially jewelry, as they are one of the only visual discovery tools to really conquer the jewelry space.

Syte is not for single product or low SKU count stores. Starting stores shouldn’t even be reading this!

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